Friday 23 December 2011


Wishing all a very safe and pleasant Season and even greater New Year.

Leaving tomorrow!

Well the time has come to do last minute packing and shopping. You can imagine how madly I am running around.

But I guess it will worthwhile once we get down to relaxing.

What really gets me is that I hope I do not forget anything.
but as long as I pack up the most important thing

Wednesday 21 December 2011

Days go by so fast!

Well, its wednesday! Today my sister will be driving down from jhb and the house will be nice and full. Its quite exciting to think everybody will once again be together. Its times like these that i really miss my cousins in China.

Anyhow, I really have my hands full, now that I am planning to go to Cape Town with my In laws. It will be my first vacation with them and its quite exciting.
Its so tiring though to think of all the stuff to pack for a self catering vacation. I have never been to a self catering holiday. It has always been in a hotel, where everything is done for you.
Well, its time for change anyway.

Well wish me luck and hopefully I will get some great pics on my journey to share.

Monday 19 December 2011

Weekend with the kids in Durban

kids enjoying splash from one of the water features in Ushaka

I finally decide to go full pink

Mals climbing to the top

He is so adorable
She just couldnt help herself, they so huggable

A little sight of Pietermaritzburg

Big size Monitor Lizards

LESSON 13 - Bury your dislikes and join the party!

Holidays are a time for family and friends to kick back and relax in each others company. Nobody really likes a sour face amongst all the smiles. Its that very selfish stuborness that can ruin the entire purpose of the holiday.

Believe it or not it only takes one persons overpowering ego to ruin an entire holiday.

Whoever believes that celebrating in solitude is full of crap. Being alone on holidays makes it not a holiday but anyday of the the year. Not many of us have the joy of spending time with our families and friends. Take a time out of your sulkiness and bitter differences and jump on the train of forgiveness.

BASIC TRUTH - It takes years to hold onto a grudge but a moment only to forgive.


Pic from internet.

Thursday 8 December 2011

LESSON 12 - Be the better you and reap the reward!

We often come across situations where we do not know whether to be good to a person or just dismiss them with a nasty comment (only when they deserve it ofcos). I am talking about a particular occasion where we bump into those kinda people who enjoy commenting about others and end up insulting you.
Nobody likes being insulted and usually thats what happens when you are over popular or just plain good to everybody.

We get two types of people in society.
The one side we have the quiet, modest , kind people who do care about others but do not pry in their business

Then we have the other kind who think they are doing good to society by belittling others in any and every way they can.
I mean come on now!!! What joy that could possibly bring?! Are people so bored with their lives that they have to pick on others just so they can feel good about themselves?!

I am not saying that I am the best pick in the hay stack but I sure do know that by making another person feel bad, doesnt make me feel good at all.

The big question is, how do you react to somebody being directly nasty to you or even behind your back.

BASIC TRUTH - Be extra nice to them. It does not hurt to be nice to others, it hurts living with the thought that you hurt somebody.

Tuesday 6 December 2011

Few Pic's on the drive to Weenen

We really wanted to see some animals on the way to Weenen but unfortunately only the goats and cows came out to play.

We usually get to see some beautiful Rhino's , Zebra's, Giraffe and different types of Bucks but the scenery was beautiful anyway.

Monday 5 December 2011

Snaps of S.A.

Few snapshots of our drives close to home. Even in bad weather it looks beautiful.