Friday 27 January 2012

Holiday in Cape Town - Part 9

This is Camps Bay, beautiful, serene and fresh sea breeze all the time.

 Below are some rocks settling into to the sea. It looks so beautiful, i couldnt
help but capture the moment I felt.
 Below to the right is part of my family enjoying the shore below. They a shy crowd, so 
I sneaked this shot.  
 The hill you see behind is called The Lions Head. It is SA afterall. lol.
 Sorry couldn't help but sneak another pic.
 Ok, so as you can see I was below the parking bay, and if you notice the small monument at the tip of
hill above, that is actually called Signal Hill, great views up there.
 Awwwww, my hubby was the only brave soldier of the shy pack. So cute.
 A ship sailing away and a speed boat overtaking. I just love snapping moments.
 Beautiful sight.
 Here the family walked towards a beautiful park near the beach. Really a lovely moment.
 I had to snap the lighthouse!!!
 Beautiful park.
 The little blue train.
 That ship really does look far, doesn't it!!!
 Ok, so we all couldn't resist but cram ourselves in that adorable chuk chuk! lol.
He is so adorable. He was really a great sport.

Thursday 26 January 2012

LESSON 14 - Marriage can be fun without the gun!

It is true, opposite genders have the ability to get along!

Not many of us have the ability to understand that despite the main obvious difference between a man and a women , we are all unique individuals. It is that uniqueness that determines us in our relationship.

As soon as a fight arises in a relationship, one side is bound to blame the others gender instead of just blaming that one individual in front.

Come now, even my marriage isn't perfect and I wish I had sound proof walls, but I have to move on and hope for the best at the end.

Love becomes a hard topic after a few years of marriage but if we constantly remind one another, how we are capable of making things better, than it becomes a base of a solid foundation in the relationship.

Taking time out to do something special for the other gives you a head start of being the better half.

BASIC TRUTH - Love each other like there is no tomorrow.

Wednesday 25 January 2012

Movie Review - Sherlock Holmes 2

I was very excited to hear that there was to be another Sherlock Holmes but sad to say I was slightly dissapointed once I watched it.

The disappointment came at the end as I predicted what the outcome of the storyline would be. It's more exciting when you predict wrong and get a jolt of surprise later.

The action however was quite good however again was disappointed at the end when another character displayed the same intelligence as the main character. There can only be one Sherlock Holmes , why bother trying to replica his character!!!! Come now, be more creative!!!!

Ratings I give it - 7/10.

Monday 23 January 2012


Coming from an UNDERWORLD fan, this movie ROCKED!!!

I could not find one criticism for this movie, and being a public movie critic, I was left speechless and practically crying for more.

The storyline was brilliant, Kates acting was perfection to say the least and the action, oh my god the action, was to die for.

This is definately a winner for 2012. Now all wait is for the new Resident Evil. Let see who is a better hard ass.

Holiday in Cape Town - Part 7

I really feel like going back, these were such wonderful memories. These few photos were the
trip back to Hout bay with the Ferry from Seal Island.

 Below , pictures were taken from a hilly road called Chapmans peak, the view on the top
was even more breathtaking than these pictures.

More pics to follow. Sorry out of time for now.

Wednesday 18 January 2012

Holiday In Cape Town - Part 6


 This little rascal kept staring at me, I moved , he moved.
 Trust me , those are really a whole lot of seals

 I was waiting for one to jump, really proud of myself for catching an almost perfect pic.

It really was a beautiful trip to the Island.

Tuesday 17 January 2012


More pics of Hout Bay.

These pics were taken from a Ferry we took on our way to Seal Island. Next pics will be the seals.