Monday 23 July 2012

Icy Winter

Well winter is here to stay. Its been terribly cold and when you think some warm days are looming , the gust of icy wind blows it away.

My cousins from china are back and we are really happy once again. I do not have any pics, would you believe how terribly busy its been for me this year.

I have not been blogging as often but alot has happened. Some good , some bad but the hour glass waits for no man.

On a bad note, at the beginning of June hubs and I met in a terrible accident, with my in laws. It was horrific, drunk driver came head on to us while we were driving over a bridge in Johannesburg. It was 8pm and we were coming from my sister in laws flat in Pretoria. No major injuries, just we all had to be in bed for two weeks. REALLY SORE just thinking about it.

I have a few snaps of my face but I will never be bold enough to post. Hubs came out with small bump and scratch on hand, amnesia was to follow. Unfortunately I was the only one that remembered what happened. Still a bit shaky when we pass that road.

As usual duty calls and I have to leave now , blog longer next time.

Monday 9 July 2012


Brilliant, Awesome and outright funny.

Leon does it again, he really thought of another brilliant story to make all South Africans come together for a good laugh.

Situated in South Africa , this movie really shows some great scenes and the locals.

A definate must watch but definate parental guidance.

I rate this movie = 9/10.

BASIC TRUTH - Leon is just brilliant.