Friday 23 December 2011


Wishing all a very safe and pleasant Season and even greater New Year.

Leaving tomorrow!

Well the time has come to do last minute packing and shopping. You can imagine how madly I am running around.

But I guess it will worthwhile once we get down to relaxing.

What really gets me is that I hope I do not forget anything.
but as long as I pack up the most important thing

Wednesday 21 December 2011

Days go by so fast!

Well, its wednesday! Today my sister will be driving down from jhb and the house will be nice and full. Its quite exciting to think everybody will once again be together. Its times like these that i really miss my cousins in China.

Anyhow, I really have my hands full, now that I am planning to go to Cape Town with my In laws. It will be my first vacation with them and its quite exciting.
Its so tiring though to think of all the stuff to pack for a self catering vacation. I have never been to a self catering holiday. It has always been in a hotel, where everything is done for you.
Well, its time for change anyway.

Well wish me luck and hopefully I will get some great pics on my journey to share.

Monday 19 December 2011

Weekend with the kids in Durban

kids enjoying splash from one of the water features in Ushaka

I finally decide to go full pink

Mals climbing to the top

He is so adorable
She just couldnt help herself, they so huggable

A little sight of Pietermaritzburg

Big size Monitor Lizards

LESSON 13 - Bury your dislikes and join the party!

Holidays are a time for family and friends to kick back and relax in each others company. Nobody really likes a sour face amongst all the smiles. Its that very selfish stuborness that can ruin the entire purpose of the holiday.

Believe it or not it only takes one persons overpowering ego to ruin an entire holiday.

Whoever believes that celebrating in solitude is full of crap. Being alone on holidays makes it not a holiday but anyday of the the year. Not many of us have the joy of spending time with our families and friends. Take a time out of your sulkiness and bitter differences and jump on the train of forgiveness.

BASIC TRUTH - It takes years to hold onto a grudge but a moment only to forgive.


Pic from internet.

Thursday 8 December 2011

LESSON 12 - Be the better you and reap the reward!

We often come across situations where we do not know whether to be good to a person or just dismiss them with a nasty comment (only when they deserve it ofcos). I am talking about a particular occasion where we bump into those kinda people who enjoy commenting about others and end up insulting you.
Nobody likes being insulted and usually thats what happens when you are over popular or just plain good to everybody.

We get two types of people in society.
The one side we have the quiet, modest , kind people who do care about others but do not pry in their business

Then we have the other kind who think they are doing good to society by belittling others in any and every way they can.
I mean come on now!!! What joy that could possibly bring?! Are people so bored with their lives that they have to pick on others just so they can feel good about themselves?!

I am not saying that I am the best pick in the hay stack but I sure do know that by making another person feel bad, doesnt make me feel good at all.

The big question is, how do you react to somebody being directly nasty to you or even behind your back.

BASIC TRUTH - Be extra nice to them. It does not hurt to be nice to others, it hurts living with the thought that you hurt somebody.

Tuesday 6 December 2011

Few Pic's on the drive to Weenen

We really wanted to see some animals on the way to Weenen but unfortunately only the goats and cows came out to play.

We usually get to see some beautiful Rhino's , Zebra's, Giraffe and different types of Bucks but the scenery was beautiful anyway.

Monday 5 December 2011

Snaps of S.A.

Few snapshots of our drives close to home. Even in bad weather it looks beautiful.

Tuesday 22 November 2011

Holidays are almost here!

This year is going to be a little different, usually we spend our time between christmas and new year in Sun City, swimming, eating, swimming, walking barefoot and not caring what we wear. This year my hubs side of the family (in laws) are planning to make a 10hour road trip to Cape Town. It would be the company of
+-10people including us.
It would be the first holiday, since ever, that I will be spending with them and its quite exciting. The only thing that I am not looking forward to is the drive down that way.
Sun City usually takes 6hrs from home and by the time we reach I get really pooped out, so this will be something. Not sure that I will taking out my swimwear though, it will be alot of sightseeing and shopping.
But thats cool, its not like I am a swimmer.  

Tuesday 15 November 2011

Another project to think of!!!

My mum has been collecting post stamps for years now and has it stacked in a huge envelope, sealed. So I thought of bringing it out to her in a neat stamp book. It will take some time though but she is worth the trouble.

Shockingly, I think I fell on her in a sense that now I am getting a wee bit excited in the task.
Maybe I will finally start collecting my own for my book collection.(probably steal a few from her to get started lol).

Wednesday 9 November 2011

Enjoying Eid in Johannesburg!

Eid has come again and this time it was to spend some time with my husbands family and we had a great time.

The holiday began on Friday when we took the 3hour long drive to johannesburg. When we reached my mums in law was waiting for us in the entrance lounge and she was very happy we came early and safely.

We spent Saturday doing a little shopping here and there, buying pizza for lunch and snacking at dinner time.
Eid day was on Sunday and that was a blast, as we went for breakfast to my hubs grans place and lunch and his uncles. The kids had an even bigger blast as the day was hot enough to jump into the pool.

I loved it as there was enough kids that day for me to kiss!

My both sister in laws came down, so there was alot to chat and too little time. The babies were just too adorable all dressed up. Sorry no photos to show off.

We came back home yesterday and both myself and hubs were exhausted. But we managed to get up early this morning for work.

Just a little chat for now, will blog more later.

Thursday 3 November 2011

Too much excitement to stop and write!

It's been a long time since I updated my blog. But here is a list of the fantastic things I have been upto:
1. Most importantly  I am proud to say that I have become an aunt for the 6th and 7th time. My darling cousin gave birth to a healthy baby boy on the 2nd of August and my darling sister in law Safia gave birth to a beautiful baby boy on the 19th of September. So you can only imagine how many times I managed to kiss those little angels.
2. I spent a week in johannesburg with my sister in law on her first week out of hospital, had a wonderful time playing and taking care of her and her two year old son and not to forget the small son.
3. I managed to start two new business's, a) Gift wrapping b) Kitchenware retail. (with holding my current job as insurance consultant)
4. Due to Safia's hands been full with the two boys now, she came up with a great idea to keep her hobbies in order as well, so we both decided to start writing a book. It is the most exciting thing ever, because this time we both would be each others inspiration and motivation.
5. My introduction is complete and I can't wait for her to show me hers when we exchange our hardcopies.
6. Studying is in order, proud to say that my darling hubby has written his exam and even enjoyed it. So thats one knot out of my shoulder. I, however, have to still write my exam. I am way ahead with time because the exam is next February. So you can imagine how ahead I am. I never leave anything for last minute.

For now thats all I can really think of, but if anything else pops up im sure I will find a way to get down blogging.

Monday 10 October 2011

LESSON 11 - Good news! Bad news! Life still goes on

It has been a really long time since my last post. I guess I have been too busy jungling so many things in my life that I forgot my about caring to speak about myself.

Well since my hospital visit in july, things have been slowly getting better. VERY SLOWLY!!!
My fibromyalgia, sadly to say, has not treated very well and I guess I have lost hope in ever coming out of this constant pain. The infra red light seems to help a bit but even now its difficult to concentrate.

But I do have faith that everything has a reason and that God has a reason to test me in this manner.
He knows all and he never forces any ill upon his children.

If anybody out there reads this and knows about Fibromyalgia and by some miracle have found methods to get better, please do forward me the solution. Thanks

Thursday 8 September 2011

LESSON 11 - Boasting is Belittling!!!

I know I had previous published a post similar to this but mind you this time I have proof of how people treat money.

The idea of having alot of money is great. Even a total nut case asks for more money now and then. What really gets under my skin is the people who boast about it, KNOWINGLY!!!

I do not read the business section of the newspaper, because by the time I get to finish the major headine stories, its Sunday again and I buy a new one. Last Sunday however, I was able to get my hand on the business section and to my disgust all I found was the bragging sector of the rich in our country.

The manner in which this section of the newspaper dedicated itself to keep in tune with whats happening with the rich reminded me of a snooty school girl trying to belittle the rest of the economic sector. We are proud of the accomplishments we make to our society but showing off pubicly by telling us which hotels the rich stay in, is not a business solution or advice.

Here are some immature, disgusting topics in the articles;
1. Rating the rich in money worth order - naming hundreds by their economic value.
2. Naming the rich women, in order.
3. Providing us with detail info on the cars the rich drive.
4. This is priceless...................Naming the richest residential road in S.A.
5. Naming the brand name the rich follow, in , handbags , shoes, hotels, cars, vacation sites etc.

Do not get me wrong, I love my country! I hate how the people in our country use words in obtaining attention and credit. Our Country is beautiful, but I wish I could say the same for some of our people.

Not everybody can afford what others can. Remember jealousy is not in this message, its my concern that there is so much bragging going along that I had to wait until the last page to see even a small passage of advice to enhance my business.

That is what our newspapers need. Free advice to lift others in need. There is so many brilliant minds out there with obvious great knowledge in the business sector. Ask them to help provide advice to the public so that there can be more educated workers and less unemployment.

BASIC TRUTH - The good deed your right hand does, your left hand must not know!

Monday 5 September 2011

Sunny Days Are Here!!!

After a long, long, long winter, we finally enjoying the full warmth of that glorious ball of fire in the sky. Most of us here in S.A. have already packed those fleecy attires but I am amongs't those who still has her warm cuddlers at hand.

Summer is still a few months away but Spring is just as good. Everything in our land is slowing waking up. The brown straw of land in front of our home has become to blush in its true baby green.
The animals(birds) are rejoicing and have become quite annoying with their constant singing on my window at 6am.

The cows behind my backyard fence have somehow become even more noisy. I personally think its my constant screaming at them that makes them happy.
Well, as for our fasting month. It has sadly come to an end last week wednesday when we celebrated EID.
It was a great month and a great day. Unfortunately I had so much of fun that I forgot to take photos! :(
I know, I know! it was quite dumb but I just did not get the opportunity. There was too much to  do and my family from all over came ,by the time we got done catching up, it was time for them to go to bed!!!

I have lots more to say but as usual time is my enemy!!!

Thursday 11 August 2011

My Quick Trifle

Since its our fasting month, whatever my husbands asks for he gets!!!
Yesterday he really felt for our quick trifle. It came out great! Unfortunately it was swiped so fast, this was the only picture I managed to take out.

Jelly (already set and preferrably strawberry flavour)
Sponge cake ( already made, in my case - bought!)
Canned Sliced Peaches
Small Tin cream
Chocolate to decorate

I did not mention the quantity because I usually judge by the tray that I am placing the trifle in.

Place sliced sponge cake at base.  Slice banana and to hearts content place above the cake. Then comes the peaches(as much as you like), drizzle the juice over. Sprinkle the set jelly over as another layer, cut into pieces as you wish. Then dollop the custard over ( I have my favourite box custard, but homemade is also great, make sure its quite chilled.) . Carefully layer the whipped cream to cover the custard colour. Then as much as you like grate chocolate.

It is really delicious after a long day at work.

Wednesday 10 August 2011

LESSON 10 - Silence is times!

The tongue is an uncontrollable organ in the human body! Probably because it does not have a bone we can hold back!

Recently I was diagnosed with Laryngitis. It was really painfull and I practically did not have any voice to even show the pain. I was unable to eat and since it was the beginning of our fasting month it became difficult to participate. I am on my road to recovery and thankfully fasting without too much pain.

It was during my experience of silence I realized how much can be said by just being quiet.
Many conflicts were won by silence in the times of our ancestors. It was this hard lesson that taught me how true they were!

# When two people are having an argument and as much as you want to declare the right from the wrong, let them discover it! DO NOT BUTT IN!!! - From this you will notice the conflict will end quicker without having the third person to add on the argument.
# When somebody insists they are right and you know (with proof ofcos) that they are not, let them learn it for themselves. Please note that if they are willing to take your advise then only give it!
# Marriages sometimes have heated arguments, by being silent the other party will have more to think about their mistakes. And anyway you end up with no headache!
# Gossip is a bad trait and a sin. Here is were your silence becomes really golden, you do not say anything and you can feel proud.
# Know when to keep quiet! If you believe that any more of what you are going to say will lead to something worse, Do Not Say It!!!

It is hard to control what you say but it is even worse taking back harsh words been said. When the damage is done, it sometimes takes years to fix. Take control by walking away or literally holding your hand over your mouth (if anybody asks,  you felt sick of all the garbage!)

Humor sometimes lightens the load, if you really want to help somebody elses argument in the room, break the ice with the most stupidest joke you ever heard!!! It works!!!

BASIC TRUTH - Your tongue might not have a bone but you have a hand to put over your mouth!
                             Hear No Evil, See No Evil, Speak No Evil.

Friday 5 August 2011

AALIA'S Flop Free Recipes

First meet my sister Aalia. With her is my baby nephew Faizaan. Aalia is my elder sister, 7 years older, and she is a food passionate housewife.
She is currently studying travel and tourism but I think her greatest trait is food. She loves finding recipes and she even has many admirers to her treats.
So this section of my blog is a dedication to her.

3 to 4 medium sized potatoes
Half cup Inkomazi (Sour Milk- Sour Yoghurt)
Ground green chillies
Salt & Pepper to taste
Chopped Dhania (Fresh green Corriander)
1 Tab Butter
2 Tab Lemon juice
1-1 n half Tab Mayonnaise

4 cups flour
1 tsp salt
15 ml sugar
30ml olive oil
1 packet instant yeast (make sure you get fresh yeast)
Lukewarm water(enough to make a dough)

1 egg yolk,

egg white sealing


Peel n boil potatoes till soft n add all above Filling ingredients to it.
Leave aside.

Add lukewarm water to dry ingredients n make a dough.
Leave aside covered and allow to rise!

Divide dough into half n roll the one half into a big circle (like pizza size) n put on baking tray, just like a pizza ,spray /grease tray slightly and allow this dough to cook!

Then put filling on top of dough.

Roll the other half of the dough n put on top of filling to close...pinch ends together and
if necessary use egg white from above to help seal n brush with egg glaze.
Allow to cook and when slightly brown its done!

Tuesday 2 August 2011

Happy Birthday Dad!

It is finally my adorable dads birthday. The first day of our Holy Fasting month falls on his birthday, he felt totally blessed. He did not expect the surprise birthday cake, small and cute as it may be , we do not really celebrate in our holy month. But we couldnt help ourselves.
As you can see, he really didn't expect such a big dessert treat after he broke his fast. His plate wasn't even cleared from the table, mum couldn't wait!

Poor chap trying to measure his portion!

Shahina, my small cousin pushing me out of the way to feed him first. She really wanted to be the first , she missed him alot when she was away.

Showing her true colours!!! She just wanted to attack the cake!" Come on Shunu, first fast couldnt have been so bad"
The brothers keeping it real! Grandma trying to hide!

They just know how to make a girl look small!!! How cute!

Mum and Aunt Zohra making they way to eat, As you can see mum made sure dad left some cake for her! lol

Mum caught in the act, and small sister saying " Its ok, we old enough!"

Wishing all Fellow Muslims a very great Ramadaan (fasting month).